Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Nursing Tank Tutorial!

I know this blog is supposed to be for Baby Snickerdoodles news and patterns n'such...but now that the new baby is here, and I am still on my babymoon, there are a few crafty things I've been working on, so I figured I would share!

For all those nursing moms who struggle with finding an affordable option for nursing-wear, but who can handle some scissors, needle, and thread...this is for YOU! :D

 Here are two tank tops I bought from Walmart...$12 for the 2-pack!

 They were shelf bra tanks, but as some of you may know, a nursing mama doesn't always fit in a size medium juniors shelf bra... lol! Snip snip, that is better!

 Now, snip off the back straps. The tank should fit nice and snug so you won't need the support in the back. Trust me, you'll see...

 Now, you wanna cut the front of the strap, so there is about 1/2"-1" left

 Here you can see the end result. Tank. Straps.

 Now, I think you can get these clasps at any craft store, but I was on bedrest, so I just grabbed what was handy......the straps from my strapless bra, that I never wear the straps with! Snip snip, there ya go! Each tank will need 2 hook clasps.

4 hook clasps (2 per tank)

  Slip the 1" strap piece through the closed part of the hook clasp. You are going to sew this down...but make SURE that the hook is pointing towards the center of the front of your tank...so, facing each other.

 Grab your thread, and start sewing the strap down...make sure the clasp is flush against the tank, and held in place pretty snug

 All sewn up (I went back and forth a few times using a basic stitch)

 Here's the front!

Here's the back!

Now put your tank on over your nursing bra, and slip the hooks of the tank into the fabric loop of your bra that its clasp is on.
The idea is, when your bra cup comes down to nurse, it should take the tank top with it...keeping your belly covered for modesty/warmth!

Hope this inspires someone to get crafty and save their budget ;) ENJOY!

~Heather @ Baby Snickerdoodles